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10 Things I Wish I'd Known About US Answering Services Before Hiring One
June 16, 2023

The journey of navigating the world of answering services can be quite a labyrinthine one. Having experienced this labyrinth firsthand, I am compelled to share a handful of lessons that I learned along the way. Ten, to be precise. Ten pearls of wisdom that I wish someone had bestowed upon me before I embarked on this journey - ten pieces of information that would have saved me time, money, and a fair few sleepless nights.

Firstly, the concept of 'after-hours answering'. The premise is simple: a service that picks up your business calls when you're not around. However, the caveat lies in understanding what 'after-hours' really means. In an era of globalization, your business hours might overlap with your clients' bedtime. Therefore, you need to seek an answering service that matches your clients' schedule. Otherwise, you risk losing potential customers to unattended calls.

Secondly, it's imperative to note that not all answering services are equal when it comes to their technical capabilities. Some services employ third-party software which can lead to unfavorable bugs or crashes. Establishing a rigorous due diligence process will prove invaluable in determining whether your potential answering service utilizes robust, proprietary technology or if they are heavily reliant on unsteady third-party software.

Thirdly, the subject of cost. It is tempting to gravitate towards the most affordable option, but, as Game Theory would suggest, the most affordable choice may not always be the most profitable one in the long run. It is vital to take into account the potential return on investment, as well as the upfront cost.

Fourthly, consider the level of customization offered. Businesses, much like snowflakes, are unique. Your answering service should mirror this individuality and offer a level of personalization that suits your specific needs. This could range from customized greetings to tailor-made call scripts.

Next, is the matter of virtual receptionists. The Turing Test posits that a machine is intelligent if it can converse with a human without the human realizing it is a machine. A similar principle applies here. A good virtual receptionist should not sound robotic, but instead offer a warm, human touch to every conversation.

Sixthly, it is critical to understand the potential impact of an answering service on your brand image. In behavioral economics, it is often said that people do not buy products; they buy experiences. A good answering service should enhance customer experience, not diminish it.

The seventh point to note is the importance of analytics and reports. An answering service that provides detailed reports can offer insights into call volumes, call patterns, and customer feedback. These data points are invaluable in strategic decision making and can lead to exponential business growth.

The eighth lesson revolves around security. With the rise of cybercrime, it's essential to choose an answering service that employs stringent security measures to protect your business and customer data. The consequences of not doing so could be catastrophic.

The ninth point is about scalability. Consider the answering service's ability to grow and adapt as your business does. As per the theory of economies of scale, as your business grows, so should your answering service.

The tenth and final point is, always have a contingency plan. Murphy’s law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Therefore, ensure that the answering service has backup plans to handle power outages, system crashes, or natural disasters.

In conclusion, the path to finding the right answering service is far from straightforward. It is a journey riddled with hidden corners and sharp turns - a labyrinth, as I mentioned earlier. However, armed with these ten pieces of wisdom, I am hopeful that your journey will be a little less daunting, and a lot more rewarding.

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